Ed Muns w0yk at msn.com
Thu Oct 15 19:04:44 PDT 2009

> I couldn't print K4M on 30 meters this morning well enough to 
> call. The news from Midway has been sparse to say the least. 
> Does anybody have a clue if and when K4M might come up on 17 
> or 20 meter RTTY for NA? I can't spend my entire life sitting 
> in the shack waiting.

Two good resources to address your question:

1.  DX Summit ... K4M was on 18.1 MHz RTTY from 03-06Z, then 10.14 MHz RTTY
from 07-14Z last night/morning.  Quickly scanning the K4M spots during that
time period will reveal when stations in your geography were working them.
Often there are signal reports in the comments.

2.  K4M web site bar graphs ... Consult the bar graphs of QSOs made by hour
per band for your CQ Zone.

Ed - W0YK

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