[RTTY] RTTY contest questions and comments

jeff stai wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 09:29:00 PDT 2009

hi - I operate RTTY SO2R, and I promise that I HATE making anyone
wait. To that end, I try to keep all of my messages as tight as
possible so that my transmit time is a minimal contributing factor in
the response time.

However, the reason delays happen is twofold:

1. Many operators appear to prefer longer exchanges; and,

2. I have no way of knowing how long their exchange will be until it's
over with.

In general, because of #2 I'm forced to operate in turn, alternating
responses between the radios. This is somewhat mitigated if I can
recognize a call and modify my behavior. For example, if I see the
station on radio A is appearing to "go long", and I see K4WW in my
radio B window - I know that K4WW is not going to go long and can
favor radio B with an earlier reply. Of course, appearances can also
be deceiving - the station on A could choose not to send his call 3
times after sending the exchange 5 times, like I thought he might...

That said, if I am S&P on one radio and running on the other, I will
favor the S&P exchange to not spoil another's run, and I will sync
myself with the S&P station before calling. I would urge anyone
running SO2R to do the same.

And THAT said, as the run station you really have no way of knowing
why the other station has delayed responding - it's not necessarily
because he's running SO2R. He might be dealing with an amp problem, or
the dog might have started barking. For example, I was waiting for a
long exchange to end and idly holding down my shift key waiting to
respond. Suddenly this window pops up and says something like
"Congratulations! You've enabled Sticky Keys!" and found that my
keyboard had been mapped into another dimension. Many bad words were
spoken before I figured out how to turn it off....

Hope this helps - jeff wk6i

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 1:50 AM, Shelby Summerville <k4ww at arrl.net> wrote:
> Stephen Carroll wrote: "what I find most frustrating in a contest is getting
> a good
> run going and having to wait on somebody who's utilizing SO2R while he/she
> works somebody on his/her other radio."
> When that happens, to me, for whatever reason, they get one chance to send
> their exchange "in a timely manner", or I work whomever is next! Experience
> is only learned from repetition, I just don't think a major contest is the
> correct place to learn it?
> C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW
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Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
Winery Blog ~ http://www.elbloggotorcido.com/

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