[RTTY] Re the 10m RTTY contest

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Mon Dec 5 15:59:02 PST 2011

Yes, Nigel, please do submit a checklog as it helps with log checking!  The
more logs we get the better checking we can do and the better feedback to
participants via their Log Check Report.  (You all do retrieve your LCR for
each contest and look it over for possible operating improvement, right?!)

Ed - W0YK


Nigel, G0RPM, wrote:
> Phil
> I also spotted several stations that were significantly 
> stronger than the rest.  Perhaps QRO, perhaps high gain 
> antennas, not sure.
> I will confess though that I was one of them!  I had about 
> 1/2 hour to spare on Sunday afternoon, spotted the contest 
> on, looked up the rules and thought I'd give away a few 
> points.  I knew the power limit was 100W but since I wasn't 
> competing felt it was OK to go QRO (within my license conditions).
> My goal was to give away a few points to the contests, not to 
> compete (which you cannot really do in 1/2 hour).  I did not 
> post an entry on 3830 because that would imply I was 
> competing.  A checklog for my paltry few QSOs will be 
> submitted when I get a moment!
> Regards
> Nigel, G0RPM

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