[RTTY] 599 579 579
w9ol at billnjudy.com
Sun Feb 13 20:01:00 PST 2011
I forgot to think about it.... and it happened to me today
Calling CQ on 40
Station gave me a call.
I hit 'insert' and
W1** TU 599 579 579 W1**
I should have been prepared because he came back
and I realized what was happening so I hit the TX button and typed
{tx} ur signal report is 599 but ur serial number is 579, sn is 579 {rx}
he gave me a report and all ended well.
For a variety of reasons, I hadn't been able to work 579 qsos in recent
Hopefully I'll be better prepared next contest. LOL
***and there was emails on this subject on the list just a few weeks ago
and I still didn't remember to be prepared....duh and double duh
A meeting is an event at which the minutes are kept and the hours are lost.
Bill H. in Chicagoland
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