[RTTY] RST/RPT Separator
aa5vu at att.net
Wed Feb 16 13:13:32 PST 2011
I have read the comments on wasted spaces, extra CR etc. The only issue
I had in the CQ-WPX-RTTY was several stations that ran the RST and Report
together with no space or any separator.
I use W1HKJ's fldigi to mouse select the reports and it can deal with 599 123
or 599-123; however, it selects 599123 as 599123 and I have to backspace in
the SN box. When I copy a 599123, I just type in the report in the SN box.
Please double check that you are using a separator between the RST and the
Report. A normal space is the best; however old dash is better than nothing.
73 Dick AA5VU
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