Tom Martin tmartin at chartermi.net
Tue Jan 11 10:47:58 PST 2011

Band    QSOs    Pts  Sec   Cty
   3.5     187      187     5     1
     7      311      311    10   10
    14     448      448    38   30
    21       76        76     4   12

 Total    1022    1022   57   53

Score: 112,420
23.75 hours


Many issues in this contest caused by a new computer and programs competing with each other.  Lost about an hour re-booting and changing program versions. 

Calling CQ in the first hour on 20 resulted in just 33 contacts.  I don't understand why I always do poorly in the first hour.  

I probably should have spent more time on 15 with the SteppIR.  No European contacts on 15. I was using the A3S at 40 feet fixed at 145 degrees.

Not a peep on 10,as usual, from here in the U.P. I did call CQ many, many times during the weekend with no replies.

20 meters to EU seemed to be worse this year.  Not one G logged but GM,GW, and GU were in the log.  No SM either.  

I need to evaluate my Sunday morning time on 20.  The band is probably best, when I'm in church.  One of required breaks.

Again, the bi-directional feature of the SteppIR worked wonders.  I got a few new mults off the "back".

Missed ND this year.  

It seems like there are tons of MT,and  NV in the contest.

I don't agree with the "SECTION" macro.  A lot of newbes would probably be confused.  "STATE" is best.  I never have a problem with our friends in Canada.  "PROV" not needed.

It was fun.  Had a better score than last year, even with Murphy in the shack.



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