[RTTY] Why send 599 report

Vladimir Sidorov vs_otw at rogers.com
Fri Jan 14 11:27:00 PST 2011


With due respect...

- How do you know about "most folks"? Was there any poll on that or what?

- I for one truly support the 599 as a part of exchange. As a matter of fact 
it is meaningless as a signal report but it serves several purposes:
1. As it has been repeated numerous times by numerous people, 599 is mostly 
a kind of synchro symbol. Everybody knows that the inportant part of 
exchange will follow after 599. Actually it says, be ready to copy. Some 
prople really need this kind of synchro. Would you prefer PLEASE COPY 
(that's what I really had in the RU last week) instead?
2. The 599 is yet another confirmation of receipt of other stuff. If a I try 
to copy a weak station and I see 599 in the screen garbage, I know for sure 
that this station has copied my call or my full exchange. Otherwise there 
would be another AGN request or so.

The 599 debate is a neverending story for years and there is no clear winner 
in that so far. Therefore your statement about "most folks" sounds a bit too 

Vladimir VE3IAE


>Why not do away with sending 599 when all the logging programs put in for 
>anyway, its just a symbolic.


Most folks including me agree, but it's up to the contest sponsors. For
now, most rules require it. Theoretically, if you don't send it you
could get disqualified, although I've never heard of this happening.

Maybe if we all write the sponsors, something might be done.

There are a few contests which do not require it. Good for them.

73, Bill W6WRT

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