[RTTY] microHAM & Kenwood TS-450s

David VE3VID ve3vid at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 9 06:33:09 PDT 2011

Hi  Is anyone using the microKEYER II with a Kenwood rig for RTTY?  I picked one up to use with a TS-450s as a dedicated digital mode rig.  I've got everthing working and have made a few PSK contacts but there's something wrong with my RTTY signal.  MMTTY is configured for FSK; the microKEYER keys up the rig and the rig is transmitting, but other stations only reply QRZ?? a couple times then continue their CQ call.  I was doing RTTY successfully with AFSK thru a Signalink, how would I know if I was transmitting in REVERSE?
Any help or ideas

    VE3VID         Located in rural Canada
Solar power.  Wood heat.
Mosley tribander @ 22m
2element delta-quad on 40m
Lots of space for dipoles,
bears and wolves......73


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