Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Mon Nov 7 14:03:56 PST 2011


Excellent job on explaining QTCs and how to handle them during the contest. 
One minor point of clarification if I may.  You indicate that...

> Note that you can only exchange QTC's with any given station ONCE. We 
> can't
> exchange QTC's on each band, only one.

I have exchanged QTCs with a given station more than once during a contest. 
This is because on the first exchange I had less than 10 QTCs to send. 
Later, while calling CQ, that same station returned and asked if I had any 
QTC?  At that point I did have more in the log and WriteLog (not sure how 
N1MM handles this) let me log the station's call again, as a dupe, and send 
the reaming number of QTCs to get the total count for that station up to 10. 
So on the first contact I got score credit for the QSO plus 5 additional QTC 
points.  On the second contact I got no score for the dupe QSO, but did get 
another 5 QTC points for another exchange with that station.  Obviously, 
your logging program has to be able to handle this.  Virtually impossible to 
keep track of manually.  The easy way of course is to decline to send QTC 
packets with less than 10 QTCs.

I'm not sure about exchanging QTCs on multiple bands.  Never had that 
situation as the poor solar conditions limited me to 20M.  Something to be 
aware of.  Guess I'd better recheck the rules.

Oh, almost forgot.  The two way exchange of QTCs for U.S. stations is unique 
to the RTTY edition of the contest.  Under CW and SSB modes U.S. stations 
can only send QTCs to EU stations.  It's up to those chaps to do the 
receiving, but both sending and receiving stations get score credit for QTCs 

Gary AL9A

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