Bill Turner dezrat1242 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 13 12:36:26 PDT 2011

3597.7 + 2.295 = 3599.995. Two thoughts:  First, that's only 5 Hz below 
the upper US band limit. I wouldn't trust my VFO that much. And second, 
that does not allow for the sidebands generated by RTTY. The FCC rules 
require you keep your carrier AND sidebands within the allowed segment. 
For 45 baud 170 Hz shift RTTY, the total bandwidth is about 300 Hz (the 
actual bandwidth  depends on the "squareness" of the corners of your 
signal. I would recommend heeping your mark signal at least 100 Hz below 
the upper segment limit, or perhaps a little more just to be safe.

For the second part of your question, the JA segment extends well above 
ours, so their main concern is keeping their signal + sidebands above 
3599.0. If you figure the sidebands occupy about 65 Hz on both sides, 
they should keep their mark frequency at 3599 + .065 + .170 = 3599.235 
or higher.

73, Bill W6WRT

On 10/13/2011 11:58 AM, Al Kozakiewicz wrote:
> Doesn't setting the carrier to a max of 3.597.7 with normal (2125/2295) tones keep your modulation products below 3.600?  Or do the JA hams need to keep their "carrier" frequency above 3.999?
> Al

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