[RTTY] No info in 75b RTTY transmission

Jacques Frilley jacques.frilley at noos.fr
Mon Sep 19 04:42:45 PDT 2011

This is F2LZ
In an answer to Hank Harrisson on the reflector I describe my problem of lack of transmitted info while using RTTY 75 bauds with MixW software. 
Everything is actually OK and I was chasing windmills.
I checked everything in the software including that all necessary COMports were unabled and I completely forgot that using RigExpert interface, one have to change a jumper position in the Rigexpert hardware in order to operate 75 bauds.
It is my mistake...
Please excuse the 75 years old operator. 
May be that K9MUG/4 problem is of the same nature, if this can help
My apologizes agn
73 to all
Jim F2LZ

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