[RTTY] FW: HEADS-UP N1MM (SO2R users) for CQWW

Fabi va2up va2up at live.ca
Wed Sep 21 13:18:05 PDT 2011

Hi all,
I warning here for the ops using N1MM in SO2R configuration. There is a very annoying bug with the two latests updates 11.09.02 and .03 . I used .02 in Bartg Sprint 75 last weekend and the 2nd radio if used in S&P will switch to 'RUN' by itself whenever running on radio 1, this caused me a lot of problems including Qs losses and frustration hi. 
Rick knows about the problem but he's presently not feeling good at all and won't be able to fix this before CQWW this weekend.
I strongly suggest you use ver. 11.09.01 tested ok. Just change in the SO2R configuration to Multi TX (not first or last wins). This will enable to 'stack' F functions when pressed manually as a sequence. 
Ver.02 and .03 were ok when used in SO1R.
We wish Rick N2AMG a prompt recovery.
73 and GL,

Fabi  va2up


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