[RTTY] USB Dongle Sound Cards

Jeff Stai wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 23:16:55 EST 2012

hi Joe - These are things I'm aware of. The Windows Control Panel shows two
channels, the mixer shows a balance control, I select two channels - but
MMTTY simply does not put the main on the left and the sub on the right
when I ask it to. This actually also applies to some plug in cards. - jeff

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV <lists at subich.com> wrote:

>  I've been through countless control panels and sound card control
>> apps, trying both line in and mic, looking for the secret sauce to
>> get MMTTY to see separate channels, and I've only gotten a couple of
>> them to actually behave that way.
> Jeff, there is no "secret sauce" ... you need to look at the specs of
> the "dongle" if the manufacturer/vendor supplies them.  Some are built
> using a single chip USB CODEC designed for headset operation - those
> have a mono (mic) input and will often identify the input as "headset
> mic" in Windows 7.  Others are built using a stereo input version of
> the USB chip and will typically not include the preamp (stereo line
> inputs).
> The quickest way to tell if a given dongle will support stereo receive
> is to see if the "Default Format" (Windows 7 Sound Control Panel -
> Recording Devices / Advanced tab) can be set for two channels.  If the
> particular dongle displays only single channel options, you have a
> headset adapter.
> 73,
>    ... Joe, W4TV
> On 12/11/2012 6:14 PM, Jeff Stai wrote:
>> I've played with several USB sound cards of all shapes, sizes, and prices.
>> They all play well with MMTTY and by extension Writelog, if you are just
>> using a single audio stream ("mono").
>> However, I have had relatively poor luck with specific sound cards when I
>> want to utilize the separate left and right channels to decode independent
>> receivers - even though the sound card is billed as a stereo card having
>> stereo inputs.
>> It seems as if there is a subset of cards which MMTTY is able to recognize
>> and utilize the Left and Right as independent channels, while the rest of
>> them it doesn't - they act like mono cards.
>> I've been through countless control panels and sound card control apps,
>> trying both line in and mic, looking for the secret sauce to get MMTTY to
>> see separate channels, and I've only gotten a couple of them to actually
>> behave that way.
>> - jeff wk6i
>> On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Dave Greig <daven3buo at att.net> wrote:
>>  We were just talking in this group about low price USB Sound cards. I did
>>> some looking on Ebay and Amazon and they can be found as cheap as $15.00.
>>>   Does anyone know what the quality is like?

Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
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