[RTTY] More QRP Categories?

RLVZ at aol.com RLVZ at aol.com
Mon Feb 13 18:39:50 PST 2012

I personally am all in favor of more QRP... but I'd really really like to 
see the station that copies the exchanges  from QRP stations receive extra 
points for the QSO.   It's  often time consuming to receive an exchange from a 
QRP station and the  receiving station deserves extra points.
During last weekends WPX-RTTY Test... I had a lot of noise on  40 and 80 
meters and had trouble copying many 100 watt stations.  
So if your "twisting arms" for more QRP categories, please  also twist 
their arms to offer the receiving station extra points for each QRP  station 
worked.   I would  think the automatic log checker could easily add those QRP 
Bonus  Points automatically when Cabrillo files are used.  
Dick- K9OM 

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