[RTTY] Multiple Decoders

Dick Flanagan dick at k7vc.com
Tue Jan 31 21:15:41 PST 2012

Hi, Jerry.

I, too, have run multiple instances of MMTTY, but I'm curious how to run 
MMTTY simultaneously with a hardware decoder like the DXP38 from the 
same radio....

Dick Flanagan K7VC
dick at k7vc.com

On 1/31/2012 8:58 PM, Jerry Flanders wrote:
> As an experiment, I once ran six instances of MMTTY all from the same
> audio stream with several different profiles. Each instance needed
> about 2% CPU utilization on a 2ghz sempron machine, IIRC. My report
> on this could probably be googled up. Pretty easy to set this up -
> just click on the MMTTY icon several times and change profiles and
> parameters on each instance as needed. I was receiving only.
> I have run different demods in this way also - e.g., FLDIGI with MMTTY.
> I routinely run two instances of MMTTY, using different profiles.
> Jerry W4UK
> At 11:34 PM 1/31/2012, Dick Flanagan wrote:
>> I know some folks run multiple RTTY decoders, with one of them often
>> being MMTTY and the other a DXP38.  Is it possible to run these two
>> decoders with one radio or is SO2R necessary?
>> Dick
>> --
>> Dick Flanagan K7VC
>> dick at k7vc.com
>> On 1/31/2012 8:15 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
>>>> The problem is the DIN jack - the FT857 data in/out aren't the same
>>>> as audio in/out to the DXP38. Data Out from the DIN plug is not
>>>> sending audio that the DXP38 can decode.
>>> Based on what you wrote below, you have DATA IN and DATA OUT reversed
>>> (and you are using FM/discriminator audio instead of product detector
>>> audio).  I know the information I've given works with any sound card
>>> as that's what is used in all of the cables for microHAM products.
>>> It also works with any of the other "industry standard" miniDIN6
>>> "DATA" jacks - in Icom IC-703, IC-706mkIIg, IC-7000, IC-746Pro, Kenwood
>>> TS-480, Yaesu FT-8x7, 450, 950,
>>>> Joe, I just looked at your pinouts, and it doesn't match the diagram
>>>> on page33 or the manual.
>>> Page 33 of the manual does not give pin numbers - I based my numbers
>>> from the identification of the upper right pin (Data Out) as "pin 5"
>>> in the diagram on page 18.  However, if one uses the "standard" pin
>>> assignments used by other manufacturers the pin clockwise of the
>>> keyway (identified as pin 1 on page 18) is "pin 5".  In that case the
>>> proper connections are
>>> Pin 1 - audio from the sound card to the transceiver
>>> Pin 2 - Ground/audio return
>>> pin 3 - PTT
>>> Pin 4 - discriminator out or FSK In (depending on model)
>>> Pin 5 - audio from the radio to the sound card
>>> pin 6 - squelch
>>> "Industry standard" numbering places the keyway *down* and numbers
>>> left to right top row to bottom row.   The "standard" pin numbers
>>> are shown in the FT-450 and FT-950 manuals but the FT-817/857/897
>>> manuals *all* lack *any* pin numbers!
>>> 73,
>>>       ... Joe, W4TV
>>> On 1/31/2012 10:29 PM, Nelson Moyer wrote:
>>>> Joe,
>>>> On a hunch, I connected the speaker out on the FT857 to the AF In on the
>>>> DXP38. I can decode RTTY, but the PTT and AF In through the data
>> jack on the
>>>> FT857 won't key the radio on transmit. The problem is the DIN jack - the
>>>> FT857 data in/out aren't the same as audio in/out to the DXP38. Data Out
>>>> from the DIN plug is not sending audio that the DXP38 can
>> decode. I think I
>>>> can solve the problem by connecting the AF Out and PTT from the
>> DXP38 to the
>>>> appropriate mic jack pins of the FT857. The problem is that the FT857 uses
>>>> RJ45 mic connectors, so I have to make up a cable with RF45 on one end and
>>>> two RCA plugs on the other end.
>>>> I don't know why the Data jack doesn't work with the DXP38 on RTTY, but is
>>>> sure doesn't provide usable audio to the DXP38. I was hoping somebody had
>>>> figured out how to configure RTTY on the FT857 using the DIN plug from the
>>>> Data jack.
>>>> I was trying to avoid using sound card RTTY for now, since I'm
>> more familiar
>>>> with the DXP38 and it's software. I hate to jump into pileups using
>>>> unfamiliar hardware and software.
>>>> I guess I really don't need another RTTY Q with HK0NA, but I was doing so
>>>> well on the leader board until the K3 failed, that I hated to give it up.
>>>> If all else fails, I have a RigBlaster Plus that I can hook up to the
>>>> desktop. I've been using it on PSK31 with my laptop.
>>>> Nelson, KU0A
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Joe Subich, W4TV [mailto:lists at subich.com]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 9:00 PM
>>>> To: Nelson Moyer; RTTY
>>>> Subject: Re: [RTTY] Lets try again on the FT857 problem
>>>> Try,
>>>> pin 1 Data IN to TX Audio ("line out") on your sound card
>>>> Pin 2 ground to ground/chassis/audio return on your interface and SC.
>>>> Pin 3 PTT to PTT output on your interface
>>>> Pin 4 data out (9600 bps/discriminator audio for FM) - not used
>>>> Pin 5 Data Out (1200) to RX Audio ("line in") on your sound card
>>>> Pin 6 Squelch - not used
>>>> Labels are from the perspective of the FT-8x7
>>>> Pin 5 is recommended for audio recording (would work well with a
>>>> sound card or TNC) on pg 18 of the manual.
>>>> 73,
>>>>        ... Joe, W4TV
>>>> On 1/31/2012 8:42 PM, Nelson Moyer wrote:
>>>>> Group,
>>>>> I made up a new DIN data cable for the FT857 with the following
>>>> connections:
>>>>> Pin 1 - Data Out - 1200 baud - Green - Not used
>>>>> Pin 2 - PTT - PTT - Orange - To PTT input on DXP38
>>>>> Pin 3 - Data In - Brown - To AF Out input on DXP38
>>>>> Pin 4 - GND - Black - To ground lug on DXP38
>>>>> Pin 5 - Data Out - 9600 baud - Red - To AF In on DXP38
>>>>> Pin 6 - SQL - Yellow - Not used
>>>>> Serial Port -  COM1
>>>>> 9600 baud - 8 data bits - no parity - 1 stop bit - Hardware flow control
>>>>> (per HAL tech support)
>>>>> FT857 menu settings:
>>>>> RTTY-L
>>>>> +170
>>>>> Problem:
>>>>> The serial port recognizes the modem, DXPWin 3.0 opens, configured for
>>>>> baudot RTTY, FT857 set to Digital and tuned to RTTY signal, NO AUDIO
>>>>> detected by DXP38. Nothing, not even band noise.
>>>>> The DXP38 was working just fine with my K3 until the 100 watt PA failed
>>>>> calling HK0NA on 10 meters. I cannot figure out why I have no audio from
>>>> the
>>>>> FT857 to the DXP38 when all the connections are correct. Are there some
>>>>> obscure menu settings to enable the data jack on the FT857? I can't find
>>>> any
>>>>> other menu settings that would affect RTTY.
>>>>> Nelson, KU0A
>>>>> PS
>>>>> The K3 went back to Elecraft today, and I'm stuck with the FT857 until it
>>>>> comes back.
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