[RTTY] 2012 CQWW RTTY Log Submittal Deadline Changed to 5 October

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Sat Jul 21 22:31:40 PDT 2012

The published Rules for the 2012 CQ WW RTTY Contest have been amended to
pull up the log submittal deadline from 15 October to 5 October, five days
after the end of the contest.

CQ Communications decided to move the log submittal deadline for all CQ
contests to 5 days, effective immediately.  The next CQ contest is the CQ WW
RTTY contest on 29-30 September 2012.  Therefore, the rules just published
in the July issue of CQ magazine have been amended to the 5 October 2012 log
submittal deadline.  The www.cqwwrtty.com website has been updated to
reflect this decision.

If this deadline is impractical for your operation, you can appeal for an
extension with the CQ RTTY Contest Director at w0yk at cqwwrtty.com

CQ RTTY Contest Director

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