[RTTY] PSK31 is faster (Was FD RTTY Question)

Paul Stoetzer n8hm at arrl.net
Wed Jun 27 18:46:09 PDT 2012

I sometimes feel like PSK operators are in their own little world. They 
stick to that watering hole around 070 and don't venture outside of it.

I was operating a special event call earlier this year. I was responding 
with a simple
'N8HM 599 599 N8HM' type response. You would think that it was obvious 
that I was just interested in running stations, but I kept getting brag 
files. I see that in PSK contests too. People just throw out their brag 
files and don't adapt the QSO to the situation. That also gets 
frustrating with DX stations throwing out brag files in marginal 
conditions. The closings are also inane "Best wishes to you and your 
family. Good DX in 2012. Thanks for this BPSK31 QSO #2323 on 20m. Logged 
at 0142Z on 27-Jun-2012 73 OM N8HM DE AA1AA SK" Is that length and 
detail really necessary?

I think PSK31 is a fine mode. Great in lots of situations and great if 
you want a leisurely chat. Being that I'm not much of a CW operator and 
have a marginal station, PSK31 is a great mode for my situation, but PSK 
operators have become very set in their ways and don't adapt to 
different QSO styles for different situations and it makes the mode 


Paul, N8HM

On 6/27/2012 9:06 PM, Ron Kolarik wrote:
> Never answer the ones with exchange attached. It's hard enough to
> try and hold a run frequency with low power and answering the 'exchange
> attached' callers is an invitation to frequency thieves....only happened
> to me twice before I figured it out. I have a macro for S&P that says
> "not my QRG" that I send when someone I didn't call tries to jump
> in, usually works.....usually.
> Ron
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <k3mm at verizon.net>
> To: <n8hm at arrl.net>; <aflowers at frontiernet.net>
> Cc: <rtty at contesting.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:35 AM
> Subject: Re: [RTTY] PSK31 is faster (Was FD RTTY Question)
>> Yes, it's more of an operator problem than a mode problem...
>> ...and what's with this business of answering CQ's with the exchange attached?  This
>> has turned into a real epidemic!  Do these people just assume I'm working them
>> without questioning whether others might be calling?
>> ...so I send my exchange and then many of them dont even acknowledge receipt!  If
>> they do, it's slow to come.  I have to send everything twice to make sure the
>> correct station answers!
>> I wont even go into the ones that just jump on my frequency to call someone that
>> just answered my CQ...sometimes before it's even done.
>> How do we stop this rude crap??
>> Ty K3MM
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