[RTTY] The Case for QYF (was We Need a New Strategy)

Bill Turner dezrat1242 at yahoo.com
Sun May 13 15:42:15 PDT 2012

These jammers - the hardcore ones - basically are sociopaths. Barring them from DXCC would have no effect. They get their kicks from disrupting everyone else. They are similar to contest cheaters. They don't want to win, they want to prevent you from winning. Sick but true. 

Barring them would actually be a feather in their cap. 

As long as we continue with the present system, DX on one frequency, they will be vulnerable to jammers. If anyone has a better solution, lets hear it. 

73, Bill W6WRT

> From: Kok Chen <chen at mac.com>
>I agree.  Disbaring them from the DXCC program would probably cause them more angst than "Guido's Hammer."
>The problem, even if the ARRL is willing to disbar someone, is how do you prove a violation.  I'll bet the board of directors won't touch it with a ten foot SP.
>(Guido, obviously won't need much proof :-).
>Chen, W7AY

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