[RTTY] The Case for QYF (was We Need a New Strategy)

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at citlink.net
Sun May 13 17:28:05 PDT 2012

Okay, I concede, Guido and his 15# sledgehammer were mostly symbolic. 
There are other ways to deal with renegades, whether sociopaths or 
otherwise. My point was that if a jamming station came on near my QTH, 
it wouldn't take long for me to identify where / who's station it was 
originating from. It might be a little more difficult in a densely 
populated area, but out here in the rural areas, it would be a piece of 

A station running the 160m CW contest from North Dakota with the 60 
dB/S9 signal at my qth in St Paul, MN (years ago) was identified. The 
operator WAS banned from the DXCC program for egregious operating 
issues. He was nowhere near North Dakota.

I like the idea of 'fingerprinting' RTTY signals. I'd even pop for a Mac 
to run the software on!  :-)

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN


On 5/13/2012 6:33 PM, Gary AL9A wrote:
> Ok, back to Guido.  If the miscreant can be identified Guido wouldn't need
> to enter his house with the sledge hammer.  A large rotary saw with a metal
> cutting blade or an acetylene torch at the base of the tower should do the
> trick.  If the roof of the house happens to get in the way, hey *&%#
> happens!
> 73,
> Gary AL9A
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kok Chen"<chen at mac.com>
> To: "RTTYReflector"<rtty at contesting.com>
> Cc: "Bill Turner"<dezrat1242 at yahoo.com>
> Sent: May 13, 2012 3:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [RTTY] The Case for QYF (was We Need a New Strategy)
>> On May 13, 2012, at 3:42 PM, Bill Turner wrote:
>>> These jammers - the hardcore ones - basically are sociopaths. Barring
>>> them from DXCC would have no effect. They get their kicks from disrupting
>>> everyone else. They are similar to contest cheaters. They don't want to
>>> win, they want to prevent you from winning. Sick but true.
>> If that is true, the scheme of the DX coming to your frequency will not
>> work either.
>> A sociopath would just go up the band giving a bogus 599 to every station
>> that he hears.
>> RTTY is especially easy to fake, since it neither involves a "fist" nor a
>> voice -- just make up a macro that gives an identical exchange as the DX.
>> The only way to know is to measure the precise baud rate and the duration
>> the RTTY signal stays on Mark at the start and end of transmission.  And
>> those parameters can also be easily faked by someone who knows what he is
>> doing.
>> On top of that, a sociopath with a skimmer can easily find where the DX is
>> answering and go QRM that frequency (even with automated software).
>> The sociopaths who I have met are actually quite smart.  Perhaps ham
>> sociopaths are not as bright; I don't know.
>> 73
>> Chen, W7AY
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