[RTTY] FW: reply to W7AY
Dick White
whiter26 at sbcglobal.net
Wed May 16 17:25:46 PDT 2012
Chen and all,
My Signalink has been checked out and is working properly. The DIN is 5 pins
and into the RTTY socket of the Mark-5. This the socket Tigtertronics say to
use. I have been using it that way since last fall. I know the Signalink is
AFSK only and has not been a problem. After two conversations with
Tigertronics, they and I have come to the conclusion that you are correct in
that the radio may not be sending out audio from the radio through the DIN
connector. I do not have a scope, but I think someone in my club has one. I
will check that as soon as I am able to get one. The cable has been checked
and it is good (pins 1-1, 2-2 etc). There are no lose jumper wires as I use
the new module instead and wires are not used. The software is MMTTY 168A
and N1MM. I have tried your suggestion about using a wide band width and
nothing happened. I am not sure where to look to see if the tone pairs are
the same. I am not ashamed to ask you how I do that :-) My club NET meets
tonight and I will ask for a scope to use.
My thanks to all for your help.
Dick KS0M
Richard C. "Dick" White
Fulton, Missouri 65251 U.S.A.
whiter26 at sbcglobal.net
Amateur Radio Station: KS0M
-----Original Message-----
From: Kok Chen [mailto:chen at mac.com]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 2:44 PM
To: Dick White
Subject: Re: [RTTY] reply to K0RC, WB5AAA, WM9Q
Dick, I assume that your SignaLink is connected to the FT-1000MP's rear
panel "PKT" DIN connector and with the Yaesu front panel switched to PKT
mode, correct?
The SignaLink is a sound card device and will only work with AFSK. It will
not work with the MP's RTTY mode, which has a different rear panel DIN
connector, and for FSK.
Your symptom appears to be not seeing any audio from that PKT connector
(assuming thatyou have already switched the MP to PKT mode). I would
recommend using a scope (or a DVM set to RMS AC) to look at the DATA OUT pin
of the PKT connector.
For now, chose a large bandwidth, for example 2.4 kHz IF filters.
With a strong signal, you should see an audio signal between 0.5 volt RMS to
1.5 volt RMS.
If you don't something is wrong with the line output driver in the MP.
If you do see an output on the scope, the problem is with the SignaLink or
the software that you are using. Make sure the rig and the software share
the same tone pair (and why I suggested to use a 2.4 kHz filter to start).
If your tone pairs match, it is time to debug the SignaLink.
If you have an audio software scope program (I have written them for Mac OS,
but you probably are not running the Mac since you use MMTTY). There are
plenty free ones on Windows, I am sure. Use that to look at the sound card
in the SignaLink (should appear as "Audio CODEC" or some name like that).
If a software scope can also not see anything. You problem has narrowed
down to the signaLink or the cable to your rig. There is a jumper block
inside the SignaLink -- make sure it is wired for the FT-1000MP and no wire
has fallen out. Also open up the DIN connector of the SignaLink to make
sure the DATA OUT pin is connected properly.
Vy 73
Chen, W7AY
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