[RTTY] US call signs (BARTG)

Dave Rozzana n6pz at live.com
Tue Jan 8 11:02:16 EST 2013

This whole discussion, although fun, has caused me to obtain another certificate from the ARRL for N6PZ/7. It took only a few minutes and "viola", I had the new certificate back in the e-mail from them. I now feel a bit more comfortable playing BARTG. Doesn't mean I like the rule any more than before, I still think it's a terrible waste of my time (took about 2 minutes) to ask for another certificate, but what the heck. Almost easier to do this than to complain about the rules, eh?Lord, now I have to tell N1MM logger that I'm using a different call. Oh Snap!!
Dave, N6PZoops. Pardon me. N6PZ/7

> Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2013 07:20:28 -0800
> From: pcooper at guernsey.net
> To: rtty at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [RTTY] US call signs (BARTG)
> Hi all, and HNY,
> Well, has this opened a can of worms, or what??
> I don't want this to be taken the wrong way, BUT, Bob K0RC wrote (and echoed the thoughts of many others too!)
> >>So basically what you're saying is if I want to keep my call sign, the 
> >>FCC has locked me out of moving to another district?
> Why not is my answer. Let's think about this another way, if you will indulge me.
> Now let me explain..............
> As  GU, I am often hunted down in contests for that extra mult, and I am more than happy to play along, and I enjoy the fun I get from this.
> BUT..... What would you W's think if I was allowed to go to the UK mainland and operate as GU0SUP?
> I can't do this, but what would you all think if I could?
> Would you be happy to chase GU0SUP then, only to find out later on that I am just a plain old G?
> All that BARTG is asking (and a few other contests also ask this!) is that you sign accordingly.
> So, if you are a W6 operating in Florida, then why shouldn't you sign W6XXX/4 ??
> You'd expect me to do this if I was allowed to operate in England as GU0SUP (maybe as GU0SUP/G) wouldn't you?
> OK, so it adds another letter to your call, but so what, I am having to send 6 characters for my call.
> I know that this also causes you a little grief with LoTW, but many folk currently do this, so why not? It isn't THAT difficult.
> This is just a different way of thinking about these things!
> 73 all
> Phil GU0SUP
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