[RTTY] ARRL issues Official Reply: Re 2.8KHz HF digital BW

Louis Ciotti lciotti1 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 26 14:50:41 EDT 2013

>> Does this comfort you?
> As comforting to a CW op feels when I unleash 2.8 kHz wide digital signals down at 14.025 MHz, where I am authorized by the FCC to do.

I am not exactly impressed by this latest "in your best interest" from
the ARRL, but for CW (that I am slowly learning) at least we
technically have the entire band to use.  At this point the ARRL
should probably just take the position that there be no sub-bands for
specific emotions.  If they feel 2.8KHz is OK everywhere why not?

All I can say is if the FCC does open it up for comments those
concerned better be ready to fire off some detailed arguments against
it or this will happen.

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