[RTTY] BoD wideband digital

Ron Kolarik rkolarik at neb.rr.com
Fri Jul 26 18:45:26 EDT 2013

Please note the subject change. I got a response back from my director, positive one,
but I don't have permission to repost it. I don't want to appear as bashing one mode 
another so here's some ideas to do your own research and make up your own mind
what is really going on.

Ask your director who was on the ad hoc Symbol Rate Rule Modernization Committee.
Ask how they voted and why.
Research the callsigns of those involved and not just QRZ, you'll have to do a bit of 
leg work.
Read the BoD meeting minutes from January and July, available at the ARRL website.
Look up FCC RM-11306 or do a search on it, find some of the forums that had 
about it.
If you want to know what happens when wideband is turned loose look at the 30m band
utilization chart, please read the information along with the chart, it's NOT a 
bandplan it's
actual usage.
The problem with most of the wideband usage is they are not frequency agile, in effect 
'own' a frequency. Add up the percentage of the entire band being used by the fixed 
systems, anything wrong with that picture?


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