[RTTY] Open Ukraine RTTY Championship Rules - Why 2 Rounds for each Part?

Ktfrog007 at aol.com Ktfrog007 at aol.com
Sat Mar 2 11:50:38 EST 2013

I wonder what this will be like for those who didn't read or understand the 
 rules or follow this discussion when people want to work them again on the 
same  band.  
My general rule is just work dupes without comment, but if I didn't know  
what was going on and everyone wanted to work me again, I'd think the world 
was  going crazy.  Or else me.
I hope to see some of you there.  Perhaps more than once.
GL & 73,
Kermit, AB1J
In a message dated 3/2/2013 14:51:12 Coordinated Universal Time,  
nentecular at me.com writes:

I guess  it's just to increase activity, you can work everyone in the 
second round that  you worked in the first  round.

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