[RTTY] Need to lawyer up for 60 meters

Kok Chen chen at mac.com
Tue Nov 26 14:55:33 EST 2013

On Nov 26, 2013, at 11:30 AM, Bill Turner wrote:

> So it sounds like since it is phase continuous it doesn't have the multipath
> problems of PSK? Other than selective fading of course. 

No, phase continuous just means that there is no sudden jumps in the RF from the transmitter as you change between Mark and Space tones.

It is used not for any other reason than to keep the keying sidebands of an FSK signal narrow.

You can see the difference between phase coherent FSK (Mark and Space tones are picked from two different generators, and there is no additional filtering) and phase continuous FSK in this old article:


The first picture is phase coherent (random phase would also produce a similar picture).  The next picture is the spectrum for phase continuous.  Notice how much less QRM it produces.

The third picture shows that you can do even better by filtering and/or waveshaping the AFSK signal.

The fourth picture shows the case of applying too much filtering.

Chen, W7AY

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