Villy Madsen villy.madsen at shaw.ca
Fri Oct 11 15:53:55 EDT 2013

 When I got started in RTTY a couple of years ago,  I went looking on EBay for a cheap USB to RS232 converter.  There were a number available, but I picked one that had a picture were I could read the chip identification.  Both the 16550x and 16650x series of UARTS will support 5 bit code at the usual baud rates.

While uarts are available with other chip sets (which may or may not support 5 bit codes), there doesn't appear to be any indications that these chip sets are going to disappear.

I did buy some USB uarts that just would not work at all - but my money was quickly refunded.  I think that using hardware generated baudot takes one complication out of the picture.

Villy  VE6SQ

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