[RTTY] To DE or not to DE

Keith Maton nentecular at me.com
Mon Sep 30 08:37:48 EDT 2013


I disagree - Everything has a place and nice long chats on RTTY are absolutely fine as long as they're not during contests.  I used to have lengthy ragchews after school using RTTY with a Creed 444 on 2m back in the 1980s.  I dread to think how many trees would have been destroyed for all that paper!

73 Keith.

On Sep 30, 2013, at 12:07 PM, N4BE_Jim <N4BE_Jim at Yahoo.com> wrote:

After building my first tube RTTY TU in 1963 and running a Model 15 and a Dx-60, I can remember actually having lengthly ragchews on 80M RTTY after school. Sad, we've come such a long way.

 73 DE N4BE

 Sent from my iPad

On Sep 30, 2013, at 5:48 AM, rtty-request at contesting.com wrote:

Re: [RTTY] To DE or not to DE
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