[RTTY] W1AW/x RTTY operations

Phil Sussman psussman at pactor.com
Fri Apr 11 14:07:46 EDT 2014

True that split operation makes sense when demand is very high.
Also true that many 'not often active' hams have older equipment
that actually may not operate split. Some newly minted hams have
'hand me down' first rigs with limited capability. In addition,
some QRP rigs don't do split either.

Yes, operating practice (or lack thereof) can be a factor.

When activity peaks (a new country, the W1AW/x, rare one, etc.)
requests for non-split operation are understandable.

Sadly, it's not so much 'split' as the guys who overdrive their
linears, causing splatter and overwhelming swamping of their
lower powered comrades and those with modest antenna set ups.

I believe part of answer (as one poster suggested) lies in the
ability of the operator of the station who is sought. I've heard
good ops pause for QSP stations, mobile stations, and 'first
timers'. When calling stations refused to comply with the request,
and kept on calling over and over, one op said "everyone who is not
QRP, mobile, or a newby call 5 up.. I said call 5 up." Then he
worked the little guys simplex while the others kept up the QRM
by calling up. <har>

73 de Phil - N8PS

Quoting "Shoppa, Tim" <tshoppa at wmata.com>:

>> I've heard ARRL Headquarters has been receiving many complaints about so
>> many ops running split and demanding more simplex operations on all modes.
>> I attribute this primarily to non-contest/non-DX hunter operators who have
>> never operated anything except simplex in their amateur radio lives
> There's a pretty regular cycle. On Tuesday nights (0000Z Wednesday morning)
> when the new group of states/territories/districts are activated,  
> demand is very
> high and split operation
> is the only thing that makes sense. Later in the week as demand  
> lessens, going
> to simplex and even having a bit of chit-chat is very possible.
> Given this regular cycle I think there's plenty of room for both  
> types of operators.
> Tim N3QE
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