[RTTY] RTTY Contest Dinner - Keynote Speaker Highlights, registration deadline
Larry Gauthier (K8UT)
K8UT at charter.net
Thu Apr 17 06:15:04 EDT 2014
Undecided about attending the Dayton RTTY Contest Dinner? Perhaps this
"adverteaser" will help you decide prior to the May 4th deadline.
UNFORTUNATELY - There is no Dayton RTTY Contesting Forum this year and no
venue for RTTY operators to hear about recent and upcoming advances in RTTY
UNFORTUNATELY - The time allotted for the Dayton Contesting Forum
"Introducing N1MM Logger Plus - by Tom N1MM and Larry K8UT" on Saturday
afternoon is too short to include RTTY-specific details in this major
release of N1MM Logger.
THEREFORE - My presentation at the RTTY Contest Dinner has been adjusted to
include a section titled "Recent and Near-Future Advancements in RTTY
Operation." Contributors to the unpublished material in this section include
David G3YYD (2-Tone), Alex VE3NEA (CW Skimmer), and me (N1MM Logger Plus).
Dinner attendees on Thursday will be the first audience to get a glimpse of
N1MM+, and will see material that will not be presented in any other venue.
-larry (K8UT)
Keynote Speaker, Dayton 2014 RTTY Contest Dinner
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