[RTTY] Low Tones

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Wed Dec 3 18:35:43 EST 2014

That's pretty much it, in addition to using relatively low volume for the
same reason of less operator fatigue over the contest period.



Jeff WK6I wrote:

Ed will have a more elaborate answer ;) but in a nutshell, I have two main
reasons for using lower tones:

1. You can judge the quality of the print by listening to the received
signal. Lower tones are more pleasant and easier on older ears during a
long contest.

2. I operate multiple K3s in contests. By using different tones in each
radio I can quickly determine on which radio (and VFO) I am hearing a new

73 jeff wk6i

On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 6:50 AM, Gerry McGowan via RTTY <rtty at contesting.com>

> I noticed in a recent post that Ed stated
> "low tones are a huge benefit over the course of a
> contest"
> I use FSK with a K3 and have always used high tones, probably as a legacy
> from using AFSK.
> I can't recall seeing anything regarding an advantage for low tones with
> FSK. What are the benefits of switching?
> ThanksGerry M0VAA
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