[RTTY] Multi-Single Roundup Rules

Jay WS7I ws7ik7tj at gmail.com
Thu Jan 9 09:54:37 EST 2014

Yep, its all about the history of the octupus.....which is what caused 
the rule changes in both contests.

On 1/9/2014 4:17 AM, Ed Muns wrote:
> ARRL is unlikely to make a different MS rule for Round-Up vs. their other contests.  I have long advocated making MS at least as capable as SO, specifically eliminating the band change rule.  There would then need to be an operator rule, like minimum 10 minutes per operator change.
> ARRL and CQ have strongly rejected this suggestion.  They see little issue with this "discrepancy" that I claim.
> Ed W0YK/4

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