[RTTY] Fwd: Last Call for Papers - ARRL/TAPR DCC (Digital Communications Conference), Austin, TX

Mark Thompson via RTTY rtty at contesting.com
Wed Jul 16 18:48:39 EDT 2014


More details on DCC Call for Papers are at: http://www.tapr.org/dcc.html#call

Presentations can be made at the DCC if you have not submitted a paper in advance, 
however those who have submitted a paper get priority in scheduling a presentation at the DCC. 

Presentations made only at the DCC & not included in the proceedings 
can be submitted after July 14th and should be made submitted directly to TAPR. 

Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 14:27:18 +0000
From: "Ford, Steve,  WB8IMY" <sford at arrl.org>
Subject: Last Call for Digital Communications Conference Papers

July 14 is the deadline to submit papers for the proceedings of 
the 2014 ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference http://www.tapr.org/dcc, September 5 - 7, in Austin, Texas.

You do not have to attend the conference to have your paper included in the proceedings. 
Your paper on any technical topic
 relevant to amateur digital communications will be published as submitted and you will retain all rights.

Please e-mail your submission no later than July 14 to Maty Weinberg, KB1EIB, ARRL Production Coordinator, at maty at arrl.org. 
Send text files and images separately and do not attach Zip files. Total of attachments cannot exceed 5 Mbytes per message.

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