[RTTY] Reason for W1AW/P Delayed LoTW Uploads

Al Kozakiewicz akozak at hourglass.com
Sun Jun 8 13:20:34 EDT 2014

Just FYI, the uploads to LoTW are being processed by N1MM, among others - hardly someone whose dedication or competence needs questioning.  If these states are anything like mine (NY), many of the problems are caused by the self-inflicted wounds of the host state.  In our case, the submittal  instructions did not match the ARRL's (our filenames were missing the grid square).  The ham who was responsible for transferring these to the ARRL was also operating most of the week and could not transfer the submitted logs until the week was over.  Then instructions were issued to change the filenames and resubmit.  However, all the logs, right filename and no, were, in turn, submitted to the ARRL who meanwhile was begging us not to submit duplicate QSOs.

Fixing the missing information combined with the duplicates probably added at least a week to the time before they appeared on LoTW.  None of the delay  was the ARRL's fault.


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