[RTTY] (no subject)

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 12:22:06 EDT 2014

K9MM writes:
> I have both MMTTY and 2Tone running under WinWarbler, and I'm not seeing
> the superior performance of 2Tone that so many other users are
> reporting. If anything, MMTTY is decoding better for me. What settings
> should I be using to optimize 2Tone? Thanks!

I would say MMTTY is still my main decoder too. Partly this is just the way
where MMTTY is the main window and 2Tone is the second window, and partly
it is because 2Tone decoding lags just a little behind MMTTY.

Overall I would not say 2Tone is always better. I've seen way too many
signals where MMTTY gets perfect print and 2Tone only gibberish, and the
other way around too. I have even gone beyond just two decoders and now
often run 4 total (two of each) with half set to flutter settings. Two
opinions is better than one, and 4 is best of all!

Tim N3QE

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