Tim Richardson groupsrichart at gmail.com
Sun Mar 9 14:17:11 EDT 2014

I spent most of my Saturday putting up a new dipole for 40 and an 
inverted vee for 80 meters. Had intended to work the NA Sprint for the 
first time but forgot all about it and had a nice dinner and watched a 
couple of TV shows with the XYL. Turned on the rig about 15 minutes 
before the end of the Sprint, heard the RTTY activity and was going to 
make a few contacts, but the COM port on my computer was locked up and I 
had to reboot. Finally managed to make 2 contacts in the Sprint in the 
last 5 minutes, one of which was with Ken N6RO. Guess the new 80 meter 
antenna is working OK. Maybe I can participate the entire time during 
the next Sprint!


On 3/9/2014 1:05 AM, Ken Keeler wrote:
>>                     NA Sprint RTTY Contest - March
>> Call: N6RO
>> Operator(s): N6RO
>> Station: N6RO
>> Class: Single Op HP
>> QTH: CA
>> Operating Time (hrs): 4
>> Radios: SO2R
>> Summary:
>>  Band  QSOs  Op Time
>> ---------------------
>>    80:   43    1:20
>>    40:   77    4:00
>>    20:   87    2:40
>> ---------------------
>> Total:  207    Mults = 41  Total Score = 8,487
>> Club: Northern California Contest Club
>> Team: NCCC #1
>> Comments:
>> 20m was in good shape, 40m was noisy, 80 was acceptable.
>> Too many folks don't understand sprint format, but at least they got 
>> on for the
>> event.  Thursday night RTTY practices could help some learn and 
>> practice the
>> message format, how do we get the word out?
> I made a list of nearly a dozen " typical infractions" by the 
> in-experienced sprinters, but not by call sign ( tho I remember a few).
> There was plenty of promotion on all the contest reflectors and RTTY 
> reflectors about procedure, but evidently,
> many don't subscribe to any reflectors.  Next time I'll email those 
> 'offenders' who might or might not appreciate my offering.
> Or, I might not do this sprint again.  It was much worse than any 
> previous RY sprints I've tried. Humbug!
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