[RTTY] Lack of RTTY on 40 and 80 Meters

Phil Duff na4m at suddenlink.net
Mon Mar 24 17:15:14 EDT 2014

On Mar 24, 2014, at 7:20 PM, Ed Muns <ed at w0yk.com> wrote:
> Outside of contests and DXpeditions, there is very little RTTY activity on
> any of the ham bands. 


While RTTY outside of contests does not have as much activity as SSB, CW, and maybe PKS31, there is no lack of RTTY activity if one 
tries appropriate times and bands. 12m RTTY for example has seen good activity the last several weeks with lots of new RTTY band countries worked.

Low band (160-40m) RTTY however does suffer from a lack of activity outside contests. 

73 Phil NA4M

-. .- ….- --
Phil Duff          na4m[at]suddenlink.net

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