[RTTY] Hardest RTTY Station to Work - EVER

Richard Kriss aa5vu at att.net
Sat May 17 14:03:30 EDT 2014

Ron K0IDT,

Your team ran a good operation NE. No issues at all  but for some reason (I may be in an antenna null) I cannot work the W1AW/0 (SD) station on 17 meter RTTY.  No problem on other bands and modes.  I parked up (3 and even 4 (where is did not hear stations calling) but it seemed like a waste of time.  The SD station on 17 meters RTTY is very loud and easy to print but seems deaf.

73 Dick AA5VU

On May 17, 2014, at 12:48 PM, Ron Kolarik <rkolarik at neb.rr.com> wrote:

> Dick I ran RTTY as W1AW/0 NE, one of many, and UP means just that at least
> to me. THe smart callers would go up to +2 or so and I could get them first
> pass. If I said UP 1, that's exactly what I got, everyone UP 1. UP 1-2 worked
> a bit better but not everyone listened, cluster clickers. It got so bad at one point
> I added a macro that said "if you're calling here I'll never see you.....UP UP", I could
> see the on frequency callers and that usually worked.....usually. Best bet is pick a
> frequency and stay put, away from the larger pile. I would only work one tailender
> before moving to keep the pile spread out. 17m had the best rates for us later in
> the day 2100-2300utc. The results are up if anyone is interested, raw totals
> http://k0ha.com/w1aw/w1aw.htm
> 73,
> Ron K0IDT
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dick Kriss" <aa5vu at att.net>
> To: "RTTY Reflector" <rtty at contesting.com>
> Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:50 AM
> Subject: [RTTY] Hardes RTTY Station to Work - EVER
> It Sat, 17-May at about 1515z and i have spent (wasted) three plus hours trying to work W1AW/0 (SD) on 18.105 RTTY.  W1AW/0 (SD) has an excellent, easy to print signal but really seems deaf. I have tried every trick I know and he does not hear.  His macros are perfect but i have no idea what he means by UP.
> - I have tried up 1, up 2, up3, up 4 and up 5 and nothing seems to work.
> - 

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