[RTTY] RM-11708 badges

Jim AC0E ham at odsgc.net
Tue May 20 08:51:31 EDT 2014

Was great to meet you in person for the first time at the RTTY dinner.

I had several ask about the button and many looks.

best story:

I was in the bathroom across the hallway from  Room 1 & 2 "decoffeeing" 
and was drying my hands off when a ham looked at my button and said 
quite loudly in that small room full of people "yeah the ARRL throwing 
the members under the bus yet again" . Best part is many turned at that 
time and right behind this guy is K1ZZ suddenly trying to look very 
small and hoping to be "un-noticed".. Also had a chat with my former 
Midwest Division Director Bruce, K0BJ, in one of the big snack bars and 
said he is no longer involved with the ARRL hierarchy. He was voted out 
as ARRL 2nd vice-president this past winter. I saw but did not talk to 
my current Division director Cliff, K0CA. He and I have exchanged 
numerous emails and he knows my views. My views on RM-11708 and my lack 
of appreciation for his view on the same topic.

I am currently taking down my station in preparation for the sale of my 
house so don't know when I will be active on RTTY from a home station 

73 and Good Luck,

Jim AC0E

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