[RTTY] RM-11708 badges

Peter Laws plaws at plaws.net
Tue May 20 10:52:14 EDT 2014

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 7:51 AM, Jim AC0E <ham at odsgc.net> wrote:

> I was in the bathroom across the hallway from  Room 1 & 2 "decoffeeing" and
> was drying my hands off when a ham looked at my button and said quite loudly
> in that small room full of people "yeah the ARRL throwing the members under
> the bus yet again" . Best part is many turned at that time and right behind
> this guy is K1ZZ suddenly trying to look very small and hoping to be
> "un-noticed".. Also had a chat with my former Midwest Division Director
> Bruce, K0BJ, in one of the big snack bars and said he is no longer involved
> with the ARRL hierarchy. He was voted out as ARRL 2nd vice-president this
> past winter. I saw but did not talk to my current Division director Cliff,
> K0CA. He and I have exchanged numerous emails and he knows my views. My
> views on RM-11708 and my lack of appreciation for his view on the same
> topic.

I think, over time, ARRL has been a net positive for the hobby, so the
comment about assault and battery with public transit is a **little**
unfair ...  but the list of dumb stuff is definitely there, RM-11708
being a good example.

But, OMG, is this a great story!!  :-D

Peter Laws | N5UWY | plaws plaws net | Travel by Train!

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