[RTTY] BARTG 75 Sprint calls

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at gmail.com
Tue Sep 23 13:25:45 EDT 2014

Gary, if you were calling at 75 baud and getting responses at 45 baud, I
would guess that someone had multiple decoder/sending applications and they
had set their decoder for 75 and the sender was still at 45.

I know my "main RTTY window" is MMTTY but I also run 2Tone decoders in
parallel. It is very possible to set MMTTY to 75 baud but leave 2Tone
running at 45 baud, or the other way around. Even though the results from
2Tone can appear in the MMTTY sub-window, the two different packages have
to be configured separately.

I had very limited time Sunday afternoon but had a blast when I was doing

Like K6MR I was a bit confused what entry categories or band change rules
there might be. But unencumbered by any rule details I blazed away :-)

Tim N3QE

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