W2GR--- via RTTY rtty at contesting.com
Fri Feb 6 18:39:24 EST 2015

That was quite the spectacle ...I didn't see any QRL's from ARRL at  
all...but DID see some colorful profanity come across the screen after the  
bulletin fired up.....
Mike W2GR

In a message dated 2/5/2015 10:00:54 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
rkolarik at neb.rr.com writes:

It may  have been a poor choice of calling frequency, 14095 split down, 
and when  the
ARRL bulletin came up right on time it was fun to watch. Lots of  yelling 
and guys submitting
a DQRM report. Remember K1ZZ said the  answer to this was spin the knob, 
I didn't know
W1AW was rockbound  :)


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