[RTTY] RTTY Contest Dinner 2015

fdennin fdennin fdennin at numail.org
Tue Jan 6 20:07:05 EST 2015

*OK folks, RU is over so it's time to talk about Dayton.  We had a very
successful RTTY Dinner in Dayton last year and hope to top it this year
with more attendees and more prizes.*

*This year, we are honored to have Ralph Fedor, K0IR, as the keynote
speaker at our dinner.  Ralph is a renowned contester, DXer and
DXpeditioner.  As a matter of fact, he's preparing now to go to Navassa, to
activate that island.  I expect that Ralph will have some things to share
with us about that trip and tips for working RTTY from the "other side".
Please see Ralph's bio below.*

*Ed Muns, W0YK will assume the role of door prize solicitation and will be
handling the distribution of same at the dinner.  BTW, the date of the
dinner is Thursday, May 14, 2015.*

*Thanks to both Ed and Ralph for supporting this event.*

*If you would please, sent me a private email to fdennin at numail.org
<fdennin at numail.org> so that I can get a rough idea of how many plan to
attend the dinner.  This is just for planning purposes only and does not
lock anyone in.  That will give me an idea of how big a room that we'll
need at the Crowne Plaza in Dayton for the dinner and I can let Tim, K3LR

*If you missed last year, we had a great turnout, great door prize sponsors
and we raised over $1,100 that we donated to WRTC.  We will select an
amateur effort to donate to again this year.*

*By way of this email, I'd like to invite Mark, K6UFO to also present the
NAQP plaques again, as he did last year at the dinner.*

*I'll put out something formally later on like I did last year and you can
register for the dinner thru PayPal again.*

*Ed, Ralph and I look forward to seeing you in Dayton!*

*73'....Fred, WW4LL*

*Ralph Fedor -  K0IR*

Ralph has been continuously active since he was licensed in 1961.  His
primary interests have been DX’ing, contesting, and DXpeditioning.  His
past DXpeditions include two visits to South Sandwich and South Georgia,
two visits to Peter I, and visits to Easter Island, Heard Island, the South
Orkneys, the South Sheltlands, the Falklands, Reunion Island, Malpelo,
Desecheo, Antarctica, Kerguelen, Bhutan, Saba, Amsterdam Island, and most
recently Navassa Island.  He has been a leader or co-leader on many of
these DXpeditions whose QSO totals now exceed 1,000,000 contacts.  He is a
member of the DX Hall of Fame and holds nine DXpedition of the Year awards.

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