[RTTY] Ed W0YK, I had a nice email to you

Charles Morrison cmorrison at lusfiber.net
Thu Jan 8 19:05:28 EST 2015

But three attempts from my home email were blocked by the spam service from
your ISP.  I believe it to be a problem with my ISP, as they recently
changed email systems and have an outboard antispam service who's SPF files
seem to be off.  I've contacted them about this.


However, I've attempted to send it to you from my work email and that too
has been rejected by your spam service.  I didn't think the content was all
that bad, but apparently your spam service does.

So, suffice to say, I liked your post to the group and I agree with you.


There was more in the original email, but I don't want to post it to the
reflector, but I can't seem to be able to contact you any other way than




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