[RTTY] Cabrillo error

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Sat Jan 10 20:16:19 EST 2015

David VE3VID wrote: 

In the Cabrillo header, the LOCATION: line should be your ARRL/RAC section.
(Non-US/VE stations insert 'DX'.)  Nunavut is in the Northern Territories
RAC section, 'NT'.  But the contest exchange in RTTY Round-Up does not use
sections, rather states and provinces.  Therefore, Nunavut is 'NU' in the
exchange.  It is confusing.

One participant told me he was frustrated when you kept sending 'NU' to his
request for a number.  Turns out he mis-read your call as YV0/VE3VID.
Several ways to be confused.   ;>)



David VY0/VE3VID wrote: 

The robot accepted NT for the log.  Confusing since NU is my section 

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