[RTTY] Member comment procedure

iw1ayd - Salvatore Irato iw1ayd at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 18:53:41 EDT 2015

Hi all.
Thanks Joe for the pointer and the time frame informations. I didn't 
care at first, but ...
I'd just discovered that even the trial membership to ARRL will permit 
to add a comment, to vote and comment, about that.

Indeed it seems to me a perfect democracy procedure, not a simple web 
management pitfall, isn't?

BTW I will add my comment there. This time I will not be that technical 
as you cleverly suggested Joe. What I would note is much more the usage 
of Machiavelli's principles. Where any actions will be permitted under 
to pursuing of scopes and objectives of whoever have the power to do so.
Mixing Tech. bands enrichments and automated data stations new 
assignations - even if there isn't cited bandwidth and speed - is a good 
Machiavelli's move.
I wouldn't get at all into technicalities, there is no technology 
implications. There is a simple way to bring in from window what was 
just settled out from the door.
Next time the window will become a sliding door ... then a patio ... who 

I will do it tomorrow, so I will have time to read here or off list any 
comments about.

                  73 de iw1ayd Salvo

PS I know also that my filings will be just a thin step from theirs 
wastebasket, but nonetheless in democracy to participate or not isn't an 
option. :-)

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