[RTTY] RTTY Contest Dinner
Fred Dennin
fdennin at numail.org
Fri May 22 20:29:31 EDT 2015
Good evening all. I just wanted to give you a report on the Dayton RTTY Contest Dinner. We had about the same number in attendance this year as last, with 65 present. We had representation from all over the U.S., DU, VE, VK, JA and M0. Thanks to Ralph, K0IR for his presentation as the keynote speaker on his many DXpeditions.
Thanks to Ed, W0YK, we put together a little over $1,500 in door prizes. Each person received a ticket for a chance at a door prize with their meal, but we sold additional tickets to enhance the opportunity to win more prizes. This raised $600.00 and it was supported by the group that we will use these funds to purchase a few CQWW RTTY plaques that go unsupported by individuals and the balance is slated to go for the production of filming W0YK running SO3R and/or SO4R for training purposes. The video will be made available to RTTY Contesters wanting to learn the techniques used in operating multiple radios simultaneously and will also be used by Contest University (CTU) for training purposes. Thank you very much to those buying extra door prize tickets, as RTTY Contesters continue to give back to the hobby. As a reminder, last year we raised about $1,100.00 that was donated to WRTC 2014.
We are exploring other food options for next year at the Crown Plaza such as a possible buffet. The past two years, we’ve had 4 entree selections to choose from, but hotel food (the infamous rubber chicken dinner) is not generally the reason we attend, it’s the camaraderie with our fellow contesters. That being said, we will strive to improve on the food each year, the presentation and the door prizes.
Thanks also to Mark, K6UFO for presenting the NAQP RTTY plaques there and for his work in organizing the contest. Thanks also to Larry, K8UT who gave us his RTTY technology predictions during his presentation as keynote speaker in 2014 and last weekend, gave us a status report on those predictions.
I would like to encourage those of you attending the RTTY Contest Dinner next year, to solicit support of your local contest clubs for door prizes. The Louisiana Contest Club donated not only to the RTTY dinner in 2014, but also to the Saturday night Contest Dinner. The past two years in a row, the W4HOD Heart of Dixie ARS has generously donated to the RTTY Contest Dinner. Array Solutions and Elecraft were very generous commercial donors again this year so please thank them when you have the opportunity to do so. I also want to thank Dr. Bud Azar, N5AN for generously supporting the door prize raffle the last two consecutive years.
There are always a number of people to thank in helping put on these events so lastly, thanks to K3LR, K8MNJ, KA9FOX, K1ZZI, W0YK, and WF2S for making the 2015 dinner a success.
73’…..Fred, WW4LL
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