ww3s at zoominternet.net
Sun Apr 10 13:06:05 EDT 2016
> On 4/10/2016 11:45:10 AM, Don Hill AA5AU (aa5au at bellsouth.net) wrote:
> RTTY is now mainstream. There are more RTTY operators now than ever before
> as there has been an explosion in RTTY operators in the past 10-15 years.
> Don AA5AU
That being said, how do we educate these newer ops on pileup etiquette? (if it is all newer ops?).....listening to the 4W pileup, trying to find the qsx, and they give a DL6 a 599 and K5 keeps giving his call, they respond to a SP6, and the same K5, over and over and over.....and he’s not the only one....I can understand if one has lite copy, and they come back to a similar call, but there nothing similar about OZ8A and a K5.....eventually, the guy works him, so he thinks the method he is using is correct, but it isnt.....I know Ed has written some articles on the subject, but how do we get them into the right publications, websites so the offenders read them ?
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