[RTTY] Windows 10 Question

Bill Turner dezrat at outlook.com
Sun Jul 10 13:58:55 EDT 2016

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On Sun, 10 Jul 2016 12:49:34 -0500, you wrote:

>I have desktops running WindowsXP, Vista, and System 7. Microsoft has been
>badgering me for months to install the free upgrade from Windows 7 to
>Windows 10. My concern is that some of my ham software might not work on
>Windows 10, e.g. DX Atlas, HamCAP, IonoProbe, W6EL Prop, DXPWin 3.0,
>DigiPan, etc. Does anyone have direct experience with these programs in a
>Windows 10 environment? I've heard that sound card digital modes can be
>challenging with Windows 10.  I have until the end of the month to decide
>whether or not to upgrade. Would I be better off to keep Windows 7 for the
>ham shack?
>Nelson, KU0A


Of the programs you listed, I run only DX Atlas and I can verify it
runs perfectly on Win10. I also use the DXLab suite and N1MM Logger +
as well as fldigi both in standalone and bridged to DXLabs. They all
work perfectly with no fuss just using the sound card on the

The only issue at all was that Win10 reassigned some of my com port
numbers but that was easily fixed. 

73, Bill W6WRT

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