[RTTY] NAQP Category Question

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Fri Feb 3 01:11:18 EST 2017

Hi Phil.

Contests are not all identical and I think the diversity is a good thing for
our contests throughout the year.  NAQP is not "shortened".  It is simply a
12-hour contest.  Or, if you prefer, consider it "lengthened" from NA

It doesn't need to have the same rules and entry categories as other
contests.  The only multi-op category in NAQP is M2.  That's not bad or
good, it's just what the rules are.  M2 is like SO2R without the interlock
restriction and with two or more operators allowed.


-----Original Message-----
From: RTTY [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Phil Snyder
Sent: 02 February, 2017 19:04
To: RTTY Reflector
Subject: [RTTY] NAQP Category Question

If someone can direct me to any previous threads about this it would be 

My question is why isn't there a Multi Single category for the NAQP 
contests. I would love to have a couple ops here to try and run the test 
but don't want to try and set up a whole separate station for what 
amounts, I think, to a shortened contest. I suppose we could do it and 
enter as a Multi 2 but it would be nice if we at least thought we were 

I don't ever remember anyone discussing this but the flame suit is on if 
I missed it.


Phil N9LAH
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