David G3YYD g3yyd2 at btinternet.com
Tue Feb 13 05:06:08 EST 2018


Well done on the 1700. Sorry to hear about your antenna woe. I avoid those
element tuning antennas as too much in them to go wrong. 

Middle of England QTH does have some advantages at 53 degrees north. It
means 40m and 80m are key bands especially as they have twice the points
score for each Q compared to 20/15/10. So run on 40m all the time is a must
for me with a Q rate lower than 20m but a higher point rate. 

Forget 15m as WPX is a rate contest and 15m at this state of the solar cycle
is low rate compared to 20m. Sounds funny that when it is called a prefix
contest but once a prefix is worked on any band no point in working another
so it is a points rate contest based on Qs. My M7T contest call was probably
the only M7 prefix available which helps to attract assisted S&P.

I worked 20m while it was good points rate and then swapped that radio to
80m for a higher point rate around about 1800utc (also local time). 40m
radio just stayed on the same band the whole time.

Once run rate had re4ally slowed towards the end of the contest, I then did
S&P for new prefixes only as that had a higher point rate than running at
that stage of the contest.

73 David G3YYD aka M7T

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